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Admission Starts for NTT 2nd Year, Session 2022-24 till 25 August 2023 without fineblinking image

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quote iconPSBI is giving chance to non-affiliated schools to get affiliated. For which the school had been struggling for years. It is providing affiliation as well as many facilities free of cost. I am satisfied.

Prof. Sagar Sharma

The Spectra School

quote iconDue to my school begin non-affiliated , some of my parents could not get the benefit of TDS. As soon as i came to know , I immediately get ready for affiliation. Now My school is also affiliated . I am proud of PSBI. Thank you PSBI.



quote iconPSBI is providing free affiliation as well as many facilities free of cost. At first i did not believe it but after talking affiliation now i am completely satisfied. If your also a non-affiliated school then you must also take affiliation with PSBI. This will prove to be a born for your school.



quote iconPSBI has come up with a chance to get affiliated for non-affiliated schools. This is a great chance to get affiliated for the school. I may nit get such an opportunity again , my greeting to the founder of PSBI for solving the problem of non-affiliated schools.



quote iconDue to my school begin non-affiliated , some of my parents could not get the benefit of TDS. As soon as i came to know , I immediately get ready for affiliation. Now My school is also affiliated . I am proud of PSBI. Thank you PSBI.



quote iconPSBI is providing free affiliation as well as many facilities free of cost. At first i did not believe it but after talking affiliation now i am completely satisfied. If your also a non-affiliated school then you must also take affiliation with PSBI. This will prove to be a born for your school.



quote iconPSBI has come up with a chance to get affiliated for non-affiliated schools. This is a great chance to get affiliated for the school. I may nit get such an opportunity again , my greeting to the founder of PSBI for solving the problem of non-affiliated schools.




  • tickAdmission Starts for NTT 2nd Year, Session 2022-24 till 25 August 2023 without fine.
  • tickAdmission Starts For New Session 2023-2025.
  • tickNTT Result of First Year Session 2022-2024 is out.
  • tickAll India Hand-Writing Competition Starts Soon.
  • tick2nd Term/Half Yearly Examination Srarts from 25 September 2023 to 30 September 2023.

Public School Board of India (PSBI) is an autonomous body of PSBI Educational Council, New Delhi. Recognized under the Government of India with Registration Number 392897 and License Number 132188. The only Board for Non-affiliated Private Schools (Up to 8th) to be Affiliated for Separate Identity of the School and Uniform Quality Education from Remote Village to Metro City for all Approx. 14.5 lakhs Non-affiliated private schools in India. PSBI offers all the facilities that provide a modern educational environment with an authentic documents and digital education by the affiliate schools of other recognized board, which feel separate identity like branded schools.


26,000 +

Member schools across india

30 +

School directors in national committee

150 +

District committees

15,000 +


30,00,000 +

Students across India

News & Event

Preparation of Public Examination Board

Preparation of Public Examination Board

If we have sufficient number of school, we can demand for public examination board from the State or Central government according the constitution of India.

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All India Student Hand-Writing Competition Starts Soon

All India Student Hand-Writing Competition Starts Soon

The Members school of PSBI organizes national level, state level and district level competitions, like- hand writing, sports, quiz and art & craft etc. For the students and awarded. So we have special identity and stay in media.

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Free Online class in critical condition

Free Online class in critical condition

If lockDown 3 in implement , I’ll provide online class to your students in free of cost with home-work. You will solve the problem by telephonic and guardian may be pay. New students also take admission in your school. Your school must be growing.

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All India Topper

All India Topper

Class wise, School wise, District wise, State wise and All India topper get prizes. We, You, Students and Parents all together consider it, like a festival four times in an academic year

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Our School

Cinque Terre Forest Northern Lights Mountains Mountains
Cinque Terre Forest Northern Lights Mountains Mountains